Thorp Primary School

SEND and Learning Support

SEND and Inclusion Policy

Accessibility Plan

Useful information for our parents and carers

Children and young people with SEND (Local Offer)   

The Oldham Local Offer provides information on what is available in Oldham for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND).  The Local Offer has been produced by children, young people, parents, carers, and practitioners working together. Families have been engaged throughout the development of the Local Offer and feedback forms are a fundamental part of its ongoing development. 



POINT was established in 2010 by 4 parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities. Their mission is to ensure that parents and carers had access to meaningful information, advice, and peer support, whilst enabling their voices to be heard to drive change and shape better services.  


The Family Information Service  

The Family Information Service 0-19 years old (25 years with SEND) provide help, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years old (25 years with SEND) 


Contact Information

Thorp Primary School's SENDCo is Lindsey Buckley.

If you would like to contact Mrs Buckley with a SEND concern, please either contact the school office or send an email to




Neurodiversity in EYFS -

Understanding Neurodivergence: A Guide for Parents -

National Autistic Society -

Free webinars on ASC, ADHD, anxiety, speech delay etc -

SEND Training Courses -

Family Action -